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2018 බක් මහ උළෙල | Sinhala and Hindu New Year Festival 2018
- Date : Saturday, 21st April 2018
- Time : 09:30 am - 05:00 pm
- Venue : Barmulloch Community Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant, Glasgow G21 3PX

Sticking to our highest standards we will provide a detailed report following the event including financial information.
- £20 per Adult (16 or over)
- £10 per Child (between 06 and 15)
- Children under 05 are Free
In addition to the set minimal contribution, we welcome higher donations!
When you reserve your tickets make sure to select the correct category and update the numbers (including non-paying children) in PayPal basket before make the payment.
Alternatively, we can let you know our bank details to make your contributions paid direct to our Bank account. Please let us know should you prefer to pay to the Bank account.
Feel free to pass this invitation to your family & friends, but we still want them to confirm their participation and the number attending by the date given above. This will help us organise the event well.
SLAS | Sri Lankan Association in Scotland
Urgent Appeal - Support Flood Victims of Sri Lanka
Southwestern monsoon rains caused massive damage in Sri Lanka last week and according to the latest figures, 203 people were killed in Sri Lanka, 96 remain missing and over 60 are seriously injured. The Disaster Management Centre reports that over 600,000 people have been affected. Around 1,500 houses are fully destroyed and 7,000 partially damaged.
Many areas are still unreachable due to floods and over 50 deadly landslides, with workers and the rural poor the hardest hit. This includes thousands of tea and rubber plantation workers in Agalawatta and adjoining areas in Western Province, and in the Ratnapura district.
'Ranaviru Fund' and 'Scotland Buddhist Vihara', two Scotland based Charities have been working in Sri Lanka over the years in providing welfare and medical aid for people in need, now partnered with the Sri Lankan Association in Scotland (www.slascot.org.uk) to provide assistance to the people need assistance to get back to their normal lifestyle.
Unfortunately, this is the second appeal we have to make in a row over 2 years. We completed our releif work involving with the floods and landslides in 2016 in Sri Lanka. Project report is available via the following link;
What we are doing
We are sourcing the items required to re-establish the lifestyle of the people affected. All required material and aid will be facilitated by our volunteers in Sri Lanka and support offered will be coordinated through the District and Divisional Secretariat Offices in the region affected, mainly the Southern, Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces.
How you can help
At this stage we will collect financial donations through our online donation facility via CharityChoice to raise funds to deliver suitable and required assistance to the families to get back to their normal life at the earliest possible.
Please donate generously and also Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK Tax Payer.
Click the button below to make your donation securely and swiftly:
We appreciate if you could pass this message on to your friends, family, colleagues and other contacts so we could provide the maximum possible support.
Thank you.
Supporting those in need in partnership:
Ranaviru Fund - www.ranavirufund.org
Scotland Buddhist Vihara - www.tsbv.org.uk
Sri Lankan Associatiuon in Scotland (SLAS) - www.slascot.org.uk
If any questions or queries, please contact any of the following;
Ven Rewatha Thero for Scotland Buddhist Vihara on +44 786 909 4567
Dhammika Siripala for Ranaviru Fund on +44 780 709 5991
Muditha Kulatunga for SLAS on +44 753 325 3633
Irosh Ravi Peiris for SLAS on +44 796 086 0044